5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Object Oriented Programming | Limitations & Benefits of Object Oriented Programming

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5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Object Oriented Programming | Limitations & Benefits of Object Oriented Programming

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5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Object Oriented Programming | Limitations & Benefits of Object Oriented Programming

5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Object Oriented Programming | Limitations & Benefits of Object Oriented Programming


Programming techniques such as Object Oriented Programming (OOP) involve composing programs using objects. Object Oriented Programming is the foundation of popular programming languages like Python, C++, JavaScript, Modula, Perl, and Objective C.

It basically operates on the basis of concepts like inheritance, encapsulation, class, object, polymorphism, and abstraction. All of the functions and data are merged into one. Code blocks that are reusable are found in programs created with the OOP methodology. We refer to these codes as Classes. Objects are created in this way.

There is no denying the importance of object-oriented programming in the creation of mobile and online applications. But much like with structured programming, this has advantages and disadvantages of its own.

I'll be talking about the 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Object Oriented Programming | Limitations & Benefits of Object Oriented Programming. You now know the pros and cons of OOP thanks to this post.

Now let's get started,

Advantages of Object Oriented Programming

1. Cost

In OOP, the cost of programming is greatly decreased. The development team does not have to reinvest in software objects because the current codes are reused. 


As a result, this makes it easier for programmers to collaborate, which reduces the likelihood of broken software. Each of these lowers the development cost.

2. Productivity

In object-oriented programming, each task is given a unique assignment. So, when it comes to projects, each team member is given a task. 


Ultimately, this division and simplification strategy results in increased output. 


Additionally, developers may not always want to write code from scratch when creating apps. They can employ common functioning modules as an alternative.

3. Maintenance

With a little exception, the recently generated objects in OOP are nearly identical to the ones that came before them. The developers can therefore effortlessly maintain the current codes. 


Other programming methods, meanwhile, need significant structural modifications. They are unable to upgrade the system or add new features elsewhere.

4. Redundancy

Object Oriented Programming also has the feature of inheritance (data repetition). It is possible to construct a common class for all subclasses using OOP. Similar functionalities will be inherited by this class.

5. Quality

Object-oriented programming, as we all know, usually results in lower development costs. Thus, all of the money that was saved may be put to better use, like quality control. 


Software development is guaranteed to be of the highest caliber and devoid of errors.

Disadvantages of Object Oriented Programming

1. Learning Curve

OOP beginners need to understand advanced concepts like inheritance, abstraction, and encapsulation. 


These two ideas are absent from earlier programming languages. Furthermore, learning these programming ideas can be too difficult. 


This is the reason why learning OOP might be difficult for inexperienced programmers.

2. Execution Speed

OOP programs are larger in size because they require more lines of code to be executed. Eventually, this causes the software to run more slowly.

3. Flexibility

Some of the problems that occur must be resolved using suitable programming techniques, like strategy or logic. Object Oriented Programming is not the best choice in these situations. OOP application is ineffective.

4. Complexity

Program complexity rises in tandem with the amount of lines in the code. When developing OOP programs, developers must work extra hard.

5. CPU Intensive

Object Oriented Programming requires more CPU power than alternative solutions. Some systems have trouble running these apps because of their technological constraints.

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